属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-鸟类数量锐减 是天灾还是人为?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-健身产业 降低成本运作
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚洲赌场 买定离手
1 | ||1:然而怨声随之而起。||2:一些不遭人喜欢的鸟也开始泛滥,比如食腐乌鸦和秃鹰。||3:同时,逗留时间更长的候鸟也可能对一些本土鸟产生竞争。||4:据苏塞克斯鸟类学社团的理查德 考瑟所说,它们“强势插入,占领繁殖地。||5:”就如它们的人类伙伴一样,小岛上的居民被全球风席卷。英国的鸟类要学会竞争。 | ||1:Birders grouse nonetheless.||2:Some of the species prospering, such as carrion crows and buzzards, are disliked.||3:And migratory birds that extend their visits may provide competition for some avian natives.||4:They are “muscling in and getting the first claim on breeding sites”, says Richard Cowser of the Sussex Ornithological Society.||5:Like their human counterparts, residents of a small island buffeted by global winds, British birds will have to learn to compete. | |
2 | 但是在伦敦东部的一个低成本健身房Fitness4Less里,会员制度更为灵活。客户只需每月缴纳15.99英镑,并且可以在任何时候终止会员关系。就像廉价航空和打折超市那样,廉价健身房也打算在市场中分得一杯羹。 | But at Fitness4Less, a low-cost gym in east London, membership is more flexible. Customers pay 15.99a month and can leave at any point. Like cut-price airlines and supermarkets, budget gyms are muscling in on the market. | |
3 | 一个国会议员Keiko Itokazu担心黑手党会借此干涉合法商业活动,包括所有权及银行。 | Keiko Itokazu, another parliamentarian, worries that the Yakuza gangs have a record of muscling in on legal businesses, from property to banking. | |
4 | 但政府一直在千方百计地想进入商业领域。 | But the government has been muscling in on business in a variety of ways. | |
5 | 非洲算是是欧洲的近邻,而欧洲是其最大的贸易伙伴,但中国近来正对非洲大陆展开大力角逐。 | Africa may be Europe’s neighbour and Europe its biggest trading partner, but China has lately been muscling in on the action. | |
6 | 诗人,画家,音乐家,雕塑家,摄影师和作家无需担心科学家试图开拓他们疆土的野心。 | Poets, painters, musicians, sculptures, photographers and writers need not worry that science is muscling in on their territory. | |
7 | 无论何地,你都可以看到新来者都在向曾经为西方独占的领域展示肌肉。 | Wherever you look, newcomers are muscling in on what was once a Western domain. |